Supporting Learners with CVI

21 March 2024

via Zoom courtesy of RCSLT

09.30-09.40     Introduction

09.40-10.40     Gwyn McCormack

Positive Eye

Simple, brief overview of CVI

Positive Looking Visual Skills Programme – a brief overview

10.40-11:10     Karen Panter,

SEN Teacher 

Charlton Park Academy

Implementing Positive Looking Visual Skills Programme in the classroom

11.10-11.20     BREAK

11.20-12.20     Gwyn McCormack

Positive Eye

Setting up the environment for children with CVI

12.20-12.50     LUNCH

12.50-13.50     Gwyn McCormack

Positive Eye

A closer look at visual attention and fixation

13.50-14.05     Sharon Davies

Specialist AAC SLT

Children and Young People’s specialist service, Somerset Council

SLT and Advisory Teachers for VI working together and what we have learned

14.05-14:15     BREAK

14.15-15.15     Gwyn McCormack

Positive Eye

A closer look at visual discrimination of objects and images

15.15-15.25     BREAK

15.25-15.55     Gwyn McCormack

Positive Eye

Making it easier to see -summarising and applying the learning.

15.55-16.00     End of day


A link to the Zoom room will be posted in the Members’ Area 48 hours prior to the Study Day. If you are a 2024 Member you do not need to sign up for the session.