Founded in 1995

The Special Interest Group in AAC was founded in 1995 by Gillian Hazell, Jackie Reeves, Pru Leeding and Geraldine Vandersluis.

Following the Group’s initial informal meetings in Oxfordshire, it became clear there was growing need to develop knowledge and skills in the field of AAC. Technology continues to progress at a fast pace and more than 25 years later AAC SIG has an ongoing role in sharing and shaping new developments and devices.

The remit of AAC SIG is as follows:

  1. To inform those working with AAC users of current and up-to-date issues.

  2. To disseminate and share information relating to effective practice within the field of AAC including interested professionals, users and their families.

  3. To act as a discussion forum or advisory group for policy making organisations (Government, RCSLT).

  4. To carry out research and/or audits relating to AAC.

  5. To involve all disciplines involved in AAC.

  6. To respond to the needs of the members, having identified those needs through discussion and by the use of questionnaires.