Agenda for 17 March 2022

Our Meetings Schedule for 2022 kicks off this March in a meeting with a difference. We have invited Jane Farrall to lead the meeting with a particular focus on literacy education and the effective use of AAC.

Jane Farrall, a speech pathologist and special educator, will navigate us through the challenges of meeting the literacy needs of a diverse range of students in a special education setting. After 30 years in the disability and assistive technology field, she has lots of practical experience working with people with a range of abilities.

Jane has worked as both a therapist and literacy teacher. She has also worked as an assistive technology specialist and is currently working as an independent consultant, running workshops and consulting with schools around Australia. Her consultancy works focuses on implementing AAC and comprehensive literacy for all students.

Remember to resubscribe as a member of AAC SIG to make sure you don’t miss out on what looks set to be an insightful session for all members. See more details on the content of the Meeting here.


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